In the Grip of the Research Bug

I have been disappointed with operational-level WWI games for the entirety of my involvement in the wargaming hobby. Contrary to majority opinion, I find that WWI military history is rife with dynamic situations, or, should I say, the possibility of dynamic situations. There are numerous occasions of “what-if” where one side had the possibility of…

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Sprint Report: 19 Feb 2019

On Tuesday, February 19th, Paul and I finished Sprint #4: Gaming Infrastructure – Phase 1. While there were two development stories that we didn’t finish in our three-week time frame, it was still a very successful sprint. Our completed stories were: Implement an Asynchronous Server I/O Comms Queue Implement User Authentication Game Module XML Metadata Definitions Game Module…

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Sprint Report: 29 Jan 2019

On Tuesday, January 29th, Paul and I finished Sprint #3: Application Framework #2. This was our most successful sprint so far with 15 closed tasks spread among 4 stories: Adventures in Layout Package TClient into an Installable Thing Build: Implement a Version Stamping Method Complete ConOps Document All of these stories were geared toward coming…

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