Sprint Report: 23 Apr 2019

Development Sprint #7, codenamed Prototypes and Metadata, finished today. Where the last sprint report talked about partially finished stories, Paul and I were very productive over the last three weeks and completed quite a few stories: Use or Create UI Layout Objects Implement a Layered Window Interface Prototype: Login Window Map Metadata Specification Expand Russian…

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TOCS Map Metadata

Now that we are in Sprint-7, I started defining how the TOCS maps will be represented as metadata. The term ‘metadata’ means data that describes data. When a player looks at the hexes on a map, each hex has a lot of ‘data’ that describes it, such as the topography and terrain, as well as…

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Sprint Report: 12 Mar 2019

Sprint #5: Infrastructure Work Continues was completed today, but progress was marred by influenza at Paul’s house. After a lengthy recovery, he’s feeling much better and back on track. Completed stories were: Create Utah Beach module XML meta-data file Create OOB for Ten Days in August Create OOB for ASoC: Western Front Clean up obsolete…

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Sprint Report: 19 Feb 2019

On Tuesday, February 19th, Paul and I finished Sprint #4: Gaming Infrastructure – Phase 1. While there were two development stories that we didn’t finish in our three-week time frame, it was still a very successful sprint. Our completed stories were: Implement an Asynchronous Server I/O Comms Queue Implement User Authentication Game Module XML Metadata Definitions Game Module…

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Sprint Report: 29 Jan 2019

On Tuesday, January 29th, Paul and I finished Sprint #3: Application Framework #2. This was our most successful sprint so far with 15 closed tasks spread among 4 stories: Adventures in Layout Package TClient into an Installable Thing Build: Implement a Version Stamping Method Complete ConOps Document All of these stories were geared toward coming…

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TClient 0.1+

This is a simple update to show how much progress we’ve been making on TClient. I was going to post a video on YouTube, but the video quality was awful. If I’m going to post videos, I’m going to have to up my game, tools-wise. Screenshots: Update: And… yeah… I see that the Scenario Chooser…

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