As I mentioned in a previous blog entry, sometimes I get so busy that I go into radio silence with nary a warning. Currently, in addition to home improvement and vacation plans, I’m working on five simultaneous projects:
- Preparing Steel & Steam for Beta Playtesting
- Brick Mill Games website work
- Dice Server Migration (overlaps with the site work)
- TOCS (overlaps with the site work)
- Incorporating Brick Mill Games, LLC
The last bit is very exciting. According to LegalZoom, who I hired to handle the grunt work, papers have been filed with the Mass. Secretary of State. Hopefully, it’ll all come together very soon. Ever since I worked at Omtool, a very small software company and my first job out of college, I’ve wanted to build and run a small company. With original intellectual property and a business partner and friend with a similar drive, we can finally make it happen.
Ok, enough banter. Back to work!