Development Report :: 18-August

Once again, Paul and I had to extend one 3-week sprint into the next one due to outside influences. Unfortunately, this is what happens when you’re trying to balance day job needs with trying to get a new company off the ground. Truth be told, we were both trying to burn the candle at both…

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Sprint Report: 25-Jun-2019

Development Sprints 8-10: Prototypes and Metadata II, finished today. Good riddance. This was a difficult series of sprints in that “outside influences”, aka: our day jobs, required our full attention over those nine weeks. Additionally for me, my previous blitz through GUI container object creation left quite a few bugs behind. My initial attempt at…

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Radio Silence (Maintained)

It’s been a month and a half since my last post. I’d like to say that it is because progress has been excellent and fast-paced, but I’d be lying. Truth be told, one of the challenges of building something with only a two-person team, where both people have day jobs with responsibilities, is that outside…

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Sprint Report: 23 Apr 2019

Development Sprint #7, codenamed Prototypes and Metadata, finished today. Where the last sprint report talked about partially finished stories, Paul and I were very productive over the last three weeks and completed quite a few stories: Use or Create UI Layout Objects Implement a Layered Window Interface Prototype: Login Window Map Metadata Specification Expand Russian…

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TOCS Map Metadata

Now that we are in Sprint-7, I started defining how the TOCS maps will be represented as metadata. The term ‘metadata’ means data that describes data. When a player looks at the hexes on a map, each hex has a lot of ‘data’ that describes it, such as the topography and terrain, as well as…

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Sprint Report: 12 Mar 2019

Sprint #5: Infrastructure Work Continues was completed today, but progress was marred by influenza at Paul’s house. After a lengthy recovery, he’s feeling much better and back on track. Completed stories were: Create Utah Beach module XML meta-data file Create OOB for Ten Days in August Create OOB for ASoC: Western Front Clean up obsolete…

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In the Grip of the Research Bug

I have been disappointed with operational-level WWI games for the entirety of my involvement in the wargaming hobby. Contrary to majority opinion, I find that WWI military history is rife with dynamic situations, or, should I say, the possibility of dynamic situations. There are numerous occasions of “what-if” where one side had the possibility of…

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