Chess player at age 4. Wargame player at age 13. Programmer at age 14. Software engineer by trade. Game designer by passion.

Steel & Steam :: Victory Condition Idea

As I’ve written before, I’m sorta stuck on the game’s victory conditions.  Saturday’s play test session drove the point home, albeit indirectly. If the victory conditions are solely based on net worth, if cash on hand is equal in importance to property values, why buy properties?  This conundrum came up as four newbies started the…

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Updated Player Aid Card

The image below shows the updated player aid card.  Locomotive speeds have been increased and updated locomotives have a wider range of maintenance levels, giving increased reliability when highballin’.  Arrows also show the progression of maintenance levels from better to worse.

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Priming the Pump

Now that the initial energy of embarking on a new course has subsided, the real work begins: planning, product roadmaps, blogging to provide information, promotion, learning.  That last bit is crucial. Product Pipeline I have five game designs which are in various stages of development: Steel & Steam :: Playtest Stage :: A board game…

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Brave New World

I am entering a brave new world. I have been playing serious games, if chess is considered as such, since the age of 4.  Games, board games, have been a part of my life as far back as I can remember.  Growing up, I was the one who would read the rules and explain how…

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