Dice Service Migration Status

I’ve been focused on migrating the Kenware Dice Service to the Brick Mill Games site.  I’ve been making quite a bit of progress and should have the code migrated and modernized and working within a week or so, barring any real life interruptions. The getquickroll service is running, although the “random” numbers that it is…

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Cutting Bait

Sometimes you need to know when to cut bait. Back in 2005, I began a project called Crucible. Crucible was my reaction to the constant tech news blurbs about blog sites getting hacked. As I was administering a bulletin board site and was looking to expand the site by using the newer web technologies out…

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Multitasking Like a Whirling Dervish

As I mentioned in a previous blog entry, sometimes I get so busy that I go into radio silence with nary a warning. Currently, in addition to home improvement and vacation plans, I’m working on five simultaneous projects: Preparing Steel & Steam for Beta Playtesting Brick Mill Games website work Dice Server Migration (overlaps with…

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Ken’s Dice Service

After years of neglect, I’ve decided to migrate the long-running Ken’s Dice Service to the Brick Mill Games site. The reasons behind the neglect and migration are based on the fact that DreamHost keeps its version of Ruby to 1.8.7 on its shared server accounts, which is where kenware.com is located. Version 1.8.7 of Ruby…

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Stack Académie Montréal

It didn’t take long for Steel & Steam to move back to the front burner. A couple of days ago, Marc Guenette, one of the administrators of the Stack Académie Montréal Facebook page, sent me an invitation to join their group and attend their annual game convention in Montréal, which is taking place from May…

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Designer’s Note: Steel & Steam

The genesis of Steel & Steam came from numerous playings of the Avalon Hill classic, Rail Baron. Rail Baron was a favorite of my son and his mother and we enjoyed playing many games together. However, over time, it became apparent that the game experience was not as rich as it could have been. Under…

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Riding the TOCS Wave

Steel & Steam is currently on the back burner while I’m riding high on the TOCS wave. In order to accomplish our goal of getting TOCS into the hands of other playtesters this year, there is a mountain of work to accomplish. Here’s the how and why. Rules Review The splitting of the original MASL…

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